Discount Codes

To add discount codes to the fee payment section, select Fees & Payment > Discount Codes. Discount codes allow you to modify the fees charged based on the code entered by the attendee. 

Discount Code window

1. To create a discount code for your event, click the Add New Discount Code button. 

The Discount Code Editor will display:

Discount Code Editor window

2. Set the following attributes:

Code*Enter the code name – this is the code that your registrants will type in to receive the discount you are offering
NotesFor internal purposes, to help you identify the discount code.
Allow attendees to skip pre-approved/pre-loaded requirements with codeThis field gives this discount code the ability to skip specific requirements that you have put in place, such as preventing people from registering with certain email addresses entered in the pre- approved data.
Discount Settings: Type*

There are three types of discount codes that you can offer to your registrants:

  • Specific prices: allows you to specify exactly what you want to charge for any chargeable item in your event.
  • Percentage discounts: allow you to automatically discount prices by a set percentage.
  • Fixed discounts: allow you to automatically discount prices by a set amount 
Apply Discount to

Specify which fees the discount code should be applied - category/sub-category, sessions, and/or options.

Note: the discount is subtracted from each item, not the total (gross amount) for the whole registration. For example, if your session fee is $12 for each session and you offer a $2 discount applied to sessions, the cost of each session selected will be reduced to $10 each.

Maximum AttendeesSpecify the maximum number of attendees that can use your discount code. Once that number of people have used it then it will no longer be available to new delegates.

Available From and

Available To

Choose the specific date that you want the discount code to be available from/to
Only available when at least _____ attendees are already registered in a groupHere, you choose to have the discount code only work when a certain number of attendees are already registered in the group.
Availability By Attendee CategoryChoose whether the discount code is available to all Attendee Categories; only to specific attendee categories; or available when No Category has been selected
Availability By User TypeChoose whether the discount is available to Public users, Admin users or both.

* - Required fields

Discount Code field on the New Registration page

Once you create a Discount Code, the ID Code field appears on the event's New Registration page.

Discount Code field on New Registration page

Attendees must enter the discount codes into the ID Code field on this page to apply the discount to their registration.

Note: If you would like to change the term "ID Code" to "Discount Code" (or something else), see the Language & Wording section on how to change system terms.